The crystal structure displays distinct pleochroism, which means kunzite can appear to display two or three colors depending on the light source and orientation of the gem. It's fairly common to find high-quality stones that weigh at least 20 karats. Kunzite Geological Properties Kunzite is a composite of lithium, aluminum and silicate, which naturally forms in large sizes. It's no surprise kunzite activates the heart Chakra and helps align the crown Chakra. While kunzite is not a traditional gemstone, some people have adopted the pinkish stone as a birthstone alternative for February-and kunzite does look stunning alongside amethyst. Kunzite is also believed to help heal heartache and calm nerves. While wearing kunzite, it is thought you are better able to experience and reciprocate love. A joyful stone, kunzite opens and connects the heart with the mind, encouraging communion between the two.

Kunzite Metaphysical Properties According to metaphysical beliefs, kunzite is a stone deeply connected to the heart and love. Kunzite, and other members of the spodumene family, are also used in the making of certain medicines, ceramics and batteries. A particularly famous kunzite was a 47-karat specimen in a ring that sold for over $410,000 at a Sotheby's auction of the Estate of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in 1996. Since kunzite's discovery, the gem has experienced growing fame especially in high-end jewelry due to its large size and natural clarity despite its perfect cleavage sometimes making cutting difficult. The next year, in 1903, a chemistry professor named kunzite in honor of Mr. Kunz determined this gemstone was an existing crystal family called spodumene, but the unique pinkish to purple color had been previously unrecognized, making kunzite unique. The gem was originally discovered in Connecticut, but the first large deposit was found in the San Diego area of California. mineralogist by the name of George Frederick Kunz first thoroughly described kunzite. Kunzite History Comparative to other gemstones, kunzite is a fairly young gem.