This company will completely save your personal information in our information storage system and use tight protection measures to prevent unauthorized personnel from getting in contact with it. Personal information's application protection principles.Without the user’s permission, this website will not use the information for other purposes. This website might use this information to notify you of the newest information, services, and activities that you might be interested in. This website’s user personal information will be used for our company’s internal business purposes, including customer service and responding to requests…etc. Personal information application principles.
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Preferential offers download activities: When you participate in this website’s preferential offer download activities, under your approval, we will ask you to provide your basic information for statistical analysis.Customer service center: When you use e-mail to express opinions or ask questions to the contact unit listed on our customer service center related web pages, we need you to provide a correct e-mail address or contact information as a basis for us to reply to you.

We will use the following channels to collect the user's personal information: This website's personal information collection of users complies with the specifications listed in Taiwan's “Personal Information Protection Act” without the user's permission, we will not use the computer to collect the user's personal information.