Blue cat mint
Blue cat mint

blue cat mint

Deadheading (shearing off the faded flower spikes just above the foliage) will encourage stronger re-blooming. 'Walker's Low' grows as a neat, non-suckering, well behaved plant and blooms for many months from late spring into mid-summer.

blue cat mint

Nepeta 'Walker's Low' - has showy deep blue flowers on tall flower spikes.In early summer after the first flush of flowers have faded, shear off the flower spikes just above the foliage to get the plants to re-bloom again later in the summer. Nepeta faassenii 'Select Blue' - This low growing, non-spreading plant has beautiful lavender-blue flowers.The varieties we offer are outstanding, sterile (no seeds), long-blooming varieties: The seed-grown Catmints can be aggressively weedy, spreading themselves throughout the garden and crowding out neighboring perennials. We recommend planting only sterile hybrids and avoiding any Nepeta that are propagated from seed.

Blue cat mint full#

They grow well with at least a half day of sun, but flower best in full sun. Many species are excellent in the xeric (low-water garden) and they grow well in a wide range of soil types, including dry clay. Catmints are an excellent source of nectar for honeybees and butterflies and are a great beginner's perennial. The Catmints (Nepeta) are some of our best garden perennials being long-lived, very easy-to-grow, resistant to browsing animals (deer and rabbits).

Blue cat mint